

    Three page critical essay that analyzes the critique of power offered by the Book V for Vendetta written byAlan Moore and David LLoyd
    copywritten 2005

    As depicted in the novel, discuss how power is maintained.
    Discuss how should power be challenged.

    other thoughts to add in paper essay:
    Focus on a person’s individual’s responsibility to challenge government
    Address the quote in novel…You can’t blow up a good idea”
    How is a person’s individual power their agency
    Are he actions in the book by V comparable to the terrorist act…is it ok to blow up things.
    Talk about how “Doing nothing we give away power.

    Focus on why we allow the government or those in power to have this rule over our lives.
    Did or does the Government use fear and intimation as a power tactic and isn’t what is going on as an unintended consequence with the last news on Government surveillance of personal email, Facebook and phone calls?
    Note that V’s emphasis is the the emotional and physical destruction of evil…who represent the norms of society.
    Focus on Power and how the power we see in this novel relates to things we have seen since the Patriot act and changes in our modern society.

    Format; Chicago Manual of Style

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