Social worker with msw

    Graduate Social Work Department

    Community Assessment – SWG 555: Summer 2014

    Choose a community with which you are familiar (e.g. residential neighborhood, school community, community of identification). Discuss and critically analyze the following:

    I. Introduction to community

    a. Argument for why this group constitutes a community

    II. Assessment of community characteristics

    a. Demographics – who, what, where, when

    b. Function – what function does the community serve and how does it do this?

    c. After assessing the functioning of the community, discuss issue(s) /challenge(s) this community has. (Note: It is best if you focus on one specific issue/challenge for this assignment.)

    III. Analysis of community social processes

    a. Community Assets
    b. Empowerment
    c. Social Networks
    d. Social Control & Norms


    IV. Recommendations for how this community’s functioning could be strengthened and how you, as a macro-level social worker, might help affect these changes

    The paper should be approximately 8 pages, double-spaced, with at least 6 course or scholarly references in APA style. Web info does not consider scholarly reference except those from government official websites or scholastic associations, i.e, APA, American Pediatric Associations.

    • Avoid the 1st person – you are doing an assessment, not a personal reflection
    • When you introduce a theoretical concept (e.g. empowerment) be sure to explain what that is
    • Use subtitles to organize the paper
    • Check and double check grammar and APA – there should not be mistakes here
    • Include a cover page and title

    Due _____ D2L Dropbox

    SWG 555: Community Assessment – Grading Rubric

    Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Does Not
    Meet Expectations
    Rationale for definition as a community
    (FPB 23) Substantive rationale for why this group constitutes a community (15 pt)
    Satisfactory rationale for why this group constitutes a community Weak rationale for why this group constitutes a community
    Assessment of community characteristics
    (FPB 23) Substantive assessment of community characteristics from an integrated conceptual perspective (20 pt)


    Satisfactory assessment of community characteristics from a conceptual perspective
    Limited assessment of community characteristics

    Analysis of social processes
    (FPB 23) Substantive analysis of community social processes
    (20 pt) Satisfactory analysis of community social processes Limited analysis of community social processes
    Reasoned proposal for community intervention
    (FPB 29) Clear proposal for community intervention (15 pt)
    Satisfactory proposal for community intervention
    Limited proposal for community intervention

    Integration of source material
    Integration of course and scholarly material into analysis is clear and reasoned (10 pt)
    Integration of course and scholarly material into analysis is satisfactory
    Integration of course and scholarly material into analysis is limited

    Effective written communication
    (FPB 14) Excellent organization, professional tone, and free of grammatical errors (10 pt)
    Clear organization, professional tone, and generally free of grammatical errors
    Poor organization, lack of professional tone, and several grammatical errors

    Use of APA style
    (FPB 14) Full application of APA style
    (10 pt) General application of APA style
    Limited application of APA style


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