Social Problems

    SOC 203 SOC203 Social Problems Week 2 DQ 2 ( Title IX )  100% SCORE

    Title IX

    One of the better-known impacts of Title IX relates to gender equity in athletics. While only 1 in 27 girls participated in high school sports before the passage of Title IX the number has increased to almost 1 in 2 girls in high school athletic programs since.
    After viewing the required resources for this discussion, please address each of the following questions:
    a. In your informed opinion, was Title IX a logical policy response to the problem of gender inequality?
    b. Did Title IX accomplish the intended goals for all women?
    c. Did Title IX impact your life in any way?
    d. What differences do you think there are between the way girls and young women view sports today compared to 40 years ago? In effect, has participation in sports changed women and their role in society?
    e. Other than Title IX, have other social changes have contributed to changes in perception? Please provide examples.
    Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7, paying special attention to the personal impacts of Title IX. What stories surprised you, verified your views, or otherwise helped you learn?

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