Social Political Developments-French Revolution-Industrial Revolution-20 Century

    Essay 2 Instructions
    Please Follow Instructions, No Plagiarism; papers are looked at very closely.
    If you cannot finish the assignment, please don’t accept this assignment. This assignment must be sent back as scheduled and agreed.
    Prepare 4 pages in length (typed, double-spaced). You may use any written resources you wish, but attention to the input from class texts and assigned readings, lectures, and discussion. Your goal is to synthesize these diverse materials, each of which highlights certain matters, into your clear and coherent account of a given theme.
    [Citations and quotations, which should be few and brief, should follow school style guidelines, which refer to Turabian-Chicago manual of style formatting.]

    QUESTION: 4 pages
    “Politics trumps theology” is a colloquial way of noting that social-political developments sometimes alter the course of church history because Christians cannot ignore or avoid responding to them even if they would prefer not to. Identify three social-political developments (or events) which, in light of their effects, you judge to be such church history game-changers. Focus on the period 1750 to 1960 C.E. and include among your selections at least one of great import to Christians in lands other than Western Europe or North America.

    Please use the (1). French Revolution; (2). Industrial Revolution; (3). 20th Century, Please consider How did the industrial revolution, the French revolution, and a 20th century event change (or significantly shape) the “story of Christianity” afterward. Do include how science, politics, economic warfare, military warfare, and technology to help in answering the essay question above.

    Books to use
    1. Gonzalez, Justo L. The Story of Christianity, vol. 2: The Reformation to the Present Day, 2ded. New York: Harper One, 2010. ISBN-10:0061855898; ISBN-13: 978-0061855894.paperback $17.58 (Amazon)

    2. Oden, Amy, ed. In Her Words: Women’s Writings in the History of Christian Thought. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1994. ISBN 0687459729 paperback $20.00

    3. Malone, Mary T. Women and Christianity: From the Reformation to the Twentieth Century. New York: Orbis Books, 2003. ISBN 1570754756 paperback $20.00
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