Social class and event management

    Follow this structure
     Introduction (250 words)
     Setting out the aims of the essay
     Introduce the key concepts and explain the structure of the essay
     Understanding social class (400 words)
     Definitions of social class
     Contemporary measures of social class
     Social Class and events management research (400 words)
     Key references
     A detailed overview of Bladen et al’s views on the social impacts of events
     Social class and events management (1400 words)
     Events consumption
     Example: Attendance at cultural events in the USA, ‘Social Worlds’ (Laing et al 2014), Cultural Capital (Bennett et al 2009)

     Events and social exclusion
     Example: Mega-events and urban development – Olympics and Other Mega-Events As a Tool For Urban Development Events and social capital, Rio 2016 and slum clearance, Social and economic impacts of events not evenly distributed (Quinn & Wilks 2013), Social Exclusion (Bossert et al 2007), Event Power (Rojek 2012)

     Events and social capital
     Example: Community events – Mardi Gras in New Orleans and local identity etc
     Conclusion (350 words)
     References

    Personal brief

    This essay is for resit my previous report, the previous report I wrote about mega event and you can see what is the problem of that essay because I will give you my course leader comment in previous report. For the resit I ‘ve decide to change the topic to write about Social class and event management and also I will give you my friend that he got good mark and he wrote about social as well which that will be useful for you. The very importance is you have to use this book (Bladen, C., Kennell J., Abson E. & Wilde N., (2012)) for referencing. Moreover, I will give you the list of book and website that might be useful for this essay.

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