SMS Implementation Paper

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    SMS Implementation Paper
    For this assignment you are to read the article titled “The Relationship between the implementation of a SMS and attitudes of employees towards unsafe acts in aviation.” by Remawi. 
    1)     The authors propose that there are several global components or indicators of safety culture that include the following:
    a.       Organizational commitment
    b.      Management involvement
    c.       Employee empowerment
    d.      Reward systems
    e.       Reporting systems
                          How, if at all, do these components fit into the FAA Four Pillar model and/or the ANSI Z10 model of SMS?
    o   Tell me how you know this.
                          How did the authors make it clear what the definitions are for the above components of safety culture?
    2)     The authors hoped to demonstrate how the implementation of an SMS will have a positive impact on the employee attitudes toward unsafe acts.
    a.       Did the authors in fact, find a significant improvement in employee attitudes toward unsafe acts after the implementation of the SMS?
                                                                   i.      Tell me how you know this?
    3)     What were some of the confounders and limitations of this study?
    4)     What did the authors measure to determine the success or failure of this study? 

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