Slavery in Film

    Evaluate several films from the list I upload that deal with the issue of slavery. These films have attempted to dramatize various aspects of slavery. It becomes apparent when observing these films for their (historical and cinematic accuracy).

    A strong argument needs to be made that discusses the various aspects of a good film on slavery. What are the features that a good reviewer would be looking for? Be sure to thoroughly explain what a film is supposed to do and how it is supposed to do it? This should be a four to five page analysis.

    Next, pick three films to watch from the list I upload. Rewrite the film to make it fit into an accurate historical narrative of slavery. In rewriting it, critique the original and talk about how you would have changed the characters, plot, story, setting, and costuming of the original film. Explain how your rewrite would fix the problems associated with the original?

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