Sirius XM Satellite Radio Case Study

    I have uploaded pages, 279 to 299 of the textbook chapter that will be used to complete this case study on Sirius XM Satellite Radio.

    I have also uploaded the case study requirements that are specific to the use of completing this case study. Read over attached document, “Sirius XM Satellite Radio – Case Study Requirements and Guidelines.” That document will show you the questions that are to be answered in this case study. 

    Basically you will be able to answer all of the questions though the provided textbook.

    APA 6th edition format and citation. 

    All in text citation must include: AUTHOR LAST NAME, YEAR, PAGE NUMBER.

    Word count: 2,000

    Include 2 or more peer-reviewed articles along with citations from the textbook (use the attached documents for use of textbook). 

    READ the entire Sirius XM case study requirements and guidelines document to know what the expected outcome is to be and to also find guidelines for writing this paper. 

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