silent dancing by judith ortiz cofer

    silent dancing by judith ortiz cofer
    1-rectrospetion the writer relies on the narrator or characters manipulation of memory something reminds of past events, and like in cinema,the narrative shifts from present to past to future and vice-versa
    2-projection usually a techique that we see most in science fiction where there is a future projected which is mostly imaginary ,yet presented with a senseof reality so that the past,as if the characters/idealize or try to fixor re-invent a past event or history
    3-different time frames and structures ; the narrative moves from moves from present to past or future mostly as areflection of the charactersinners inner emotional or psychological reflection
    4-straight forward the narration moves from a point of departure to a conclusion or ends the narrative serves to tell a story that unfolds it has a clear beginning a middle which develops on issues and provide for conflict resolution,and an end the narrative provides the reader with a resolution how the characters solve their conflicts the story may end happily, or tragically sometimes the final resolution is left open to the readers interpretation
    voices in the narration ( first person ect)
    characterization: characters become alive in a novel or short story via description from a narrators perspective or from the perspective of other characters characters may be revelated by what other characters or the narrator informs readers about themhowever their intention actions motivations ans decisions became intrinsic to them a goog reader learns to disassociate a characters perspective of him/herself or others by weighting their action rather than their self-perception
    a-some characters are round they grow and learn,mature,resolve thir inner issues or may become tragic elements who can not escape their circumstances
    b-some characters are flat they do not change much or are presented to the readers as prototypes they may well embody goodness avarice evil innocence the writer presents them to us mostly as antagonists to other characters or as representation of ideas maybe as ideal representation for the reader to admire or as aberrations wich the reader should reject
    3- themes: are the main ideas the messages that the author/s try to develop and which are disquised in aplot (the sequence of events/the story being told) themes deal with why is the authors writing the story? what messages are elaborated for the reader/s to uncover? is the author/s writing for a specific or a general audience? are these themes “universal” or they culturally specific?
    4- cultural specifics : what cultural elements are essential for the readers to be familiar with so they can fully understand the reading at hand?wht function these cultural elements serve in the narrative do they become part of the narrative structure or of the plot or are they intrinsic to characterization?how is meaning related to these cultural specifics? how important are these cultural elements in the understanding of the work at hand?
    5- plot: what happens in the storywhat are the most important episodes that move the characters actions from a beginning to an end? how are the events linked to each others? do events happen as consequence to others? are they interrelated in the time and space ( following a chronology)? or are thoughts and desires this is the characters or narrators psyche that which is mostly revealed? is the plot progressive in time or are the events narrated in retrospection?
    6- imagery and symbolism: how the author/s crats the writing is the authors using metaphors?similes? is the allegory? is the author relying in a language which is symbolic with references to the cultural background of the reader or a language which is symbolic but self referent to the literary work at hand? these elements are particularly important in the analysis of poetry or of literature that is representative of particular literary movements such as symbolism or latin american modernismo
    and 8 pages that not included the sources


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