Short Research Report

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    MACS 130: Summer 2014   Writing Assignment 1: Short Research Project (15 per cent)

    Due at the beginning of class Tuesday, May 27.

    This will be a three-to-four page essay, on a topic from the course text’s ‘List of Boxes’ in the Table of Contents. This does include any title page or list of references.

    Select a topic from one of the text boxes, up until Chapter 6 (Boxes 1.1 to 6.8). You can also choose another topic, with the prior permission of the instructor.

    Write a short account of the topic. You can quote from the content in the box, but not from Wikipedia.

    Research the topic in the library.

    Find the original definition of the topic. Who originated it? How has thinking on the topic developed?

    What are the main sources for this topic? Who are the key scholars?

    What examples can you find in the media that are relevant to the topic?

    Find two academic articles, book chapters, or books related to this topic. They must each look at different aspects of the topic, and preferably take opposing positions.

    Read the entire article, and summarize both arguments. Look at their thesis statements, research methods, analysis, discussion and conclusions. Don’t just look at the abstract at the beginning, but work through the reading carefully.

    Finally, state your own argument on the topic; whether or not you agree with the media scholars.

    Use ASA style, in citations and bibliography. Times New Roman, 12-point would be preferable. Typed and double-spaced.

    Your first assignment is less than three weeks away. So the sooner you get working on it, the better.

    Good luck, and e-mail me if you have any further questions.


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