short essay questions

    Topic: short essay questions
    Order Description
    Be able to answer the following essay questions in 4-7 detailed sentences. Each essay must discuss at least three specific examples of art or architecture that we’ve
    studied for the class since the midterm, including identifying characteristics about each example (name, location, material, and date) and significance to the essay
    question. You may discuss these essay questions with other students, but each student is expected to come up with their own answer in their own words.

    A. In what ways did trends in art/architecture started by Augustus continue beyond his Julio-Claudian dynasty? Please discuss one example of architecture, one example
    of portraiture, and a third example of your choosing; all three examples must date from the Flavians onward. For each example, please give relevant information (name,
    location, material, date), and discuss how your example illuminates the continuation of artistic trends under post-Julio Claudian emperors.
    B. In what ways does Roman art and architecture illuminate norms for Roman masculinity and femininity? Please discuss one example that illuminates norms for Roman
    masculinity, one example that illuminates norms for Roman femininity, and a third example on either masculinity or femininity. For each example, please give relevant
    information (name, location, material, date), and discuss how your example illuminates Roman masculinity or femininity during the Roman empire.

    C. In what ways did Roman art and architecture express Rome’s power over foreigners and incorporate foreign artistic trends? Please discuss one example that expresses
    Rome’s power over foreigners, one example of incorporating foreign artistic traditions, and a third example of either power over foreigners or incorporation of foreign
    artistic traditions. For each example, please give relevant information (name, location, material, date), and discuss how your example illuminates Rome’s relationship
    with foreign cultures during the Roman empire.

    D. What evidence do we have for daily life in the Roman empire? Please discuss one example from the port areas of Rome (Ostia, Portus, and Isola Sacra), one example
    from the areas buried in the eruption of Vesuvius (Pompeii and Herculaneum, for example), and a third example of your choosing. For each example, please give relevant
    information (name, location, material, date), and discuss how your example illuminates daily life in the Roman empire.

    E. How did emperors treat the art and architecture of previous “good” and “bad” emperors? Please discuss one example of the treatment of a “good” emperor’s
    art/architecture, one example of the treatment of a “bad” emperor’s art/architecture, and third example of the treatment of either a “good” or “bad” emperor’s
    art/architecture. For each example, please give relevant information (name, location, material, date), and discuss how your example illuminates the treatment of “good”
    and “bad” emperors’ art/architecture.

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