Shadow Health Reflection – 2 pages

    Module 1 Cells, Genes, Tissues and Common Alterations

    1. discuss a key concept that was covered in the Shadow Health Concept Lab and include information on how the pathophysiology of this concept relates to 3 body systems.
    2. Include a summary of what was helpful in this module or what was not helpful
    • Title page
      • Appropriate citations
      • Reference page
      • Introduction/Conclusion
    • Include at least one scholarly reference 

    The following concepts were discussed: cell, gene, and tissue structure; cell, gene, and tissue alterations; adaptive cellular alterations; neoplasia; atrophy; effects of neoplasia on tissues, cancer, effect of cellular injury on tissue; smoke exposure, ethanol exposure, lead exposure; genetic testing; chromosomal disorders (trisomy 21 and monosomy X); cystic fibrosis; huntington’s disease 

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