Sexualization of women in advertising

    Throughout the term we will discuss how advertising exists as an institution. In other words, we will consider how advertising influences various social and political spheres beyond just encouraging you to buy a particular product. For your final paper you will chose a specific issue (e.g., sexualization of women in advertising) and develop a 2,000-2,500 word research paper on the topic. You will conduct scholarly research through citing concrete examples (using real ads) and using scholarly literature to support your arguments. You will substantially incorporate concepts from at least eight scholarly sources, four of which will come from the course reading list, and another four will be additional sources you will have identified through your research. You will consider how your chosen topic supports or challenges the notion of advertising as an institution, by examining if and how adevrtising has an effect on culture and society. You are strongly encouraged to decide on your topic early and use the same topic for your critical ad analysis assignment. That way you can build on that assignment to develop this research paper.
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    Remember to choose eight scholar sources and four from the course readings that i will upload later and four additional sources. In the paper, it also need to real ads as examples and suggest that these ads may be focus on one part of the world. Thanks, i suggest to write about the sexualization of women in advertising.

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