Sexual predator prosecution.

    A sexual predator can be defined as a person who has been convicted or charged with sexual violent offence and found guilty. We also have a sexual violent predator who is a person who is convicted or charged with violent sexual offence and who suffers from mental abnormalities or personality disorder which makes the person likely to engage in the predatory act of sexual violence (Kan. Stan. Ann. 59-29a02 (a). Although there might be differences in jurisdiction of the two such cases there are usually two central determination which include whether the individual suffers from mental abnormalities or personal disorder and whether as a result of the two the convict will committee the offence once again.

    Prosecution means determination of guilt which is the result of someone pleading guilty and as a result is reliable to be sentenced in a court of law. According the dictionary prosecution means to conduct a legal proceedings against a defendant for criminal behavior

    During the 1990s there was a growing concern for serial re-offending that made many jurisdictions in the USAto adopt the sexual violent predator law. The 1st such law was enacted in Washington state in1990 and 20 states have since followed suit (National Center for Prosecution of Child Abuse 2007) such laws were very important to ensure that sexual predators were justly punished. According to the National center for prosecution of child, 2007 it shows that seventy – five percent of the states have adopted these SVP laws. Although these laws have targeted most serious offenders there have been instances where they have been used to indefinitely confine offenders who have net committed very serious crimes (Canford, 2005).These were some of the laws that were used to prosecute the sexual predator there were other laws that included Megan’s law but was highly criticized because critics after investigation argued that Megan’s Law illustrates the omnipresence of the criminal justice system and the narrowing of civil liberties and social tolerance in the lives of all citizens.

    In the current society that is increasingly thriving in technology where every one seems to have a cell phone, laptop and Ipod with them all the times we have been connected and the world is becoming a global village. As a result there has been an increase in the number of sexual predator around the world creation the necessity to have laws for prosecution. You find that there are many sexual activities on the internet pertaining socialization, education and entertainment the factor that increased the need for sexual violent predator laws inAmerica. As a result there is need to alert the community and give them information on sexual predators and the laws governing them. 


    During prosecution the offender is administered as a sexual predator because the department of collection or any other law enforcement unit has obtained information that have proved that the offender met the criteria for sexual predator based on the law of the jurisdiction. In prosecution there is need to know the community to which the sexual predator came from as this gives you the correct information on the actual offense of the convict and this will ensure that you give the collect judgment.

    According to F775.21  TheFloridaSexual Predators Act. )  The high level of threat that a sexual predator presents to the public safety, and the long-term effects suffered by victims of sex offenses, provide the state with sufficient justification to implement a strategy that includes:

    Incarcerating sexual predators and maintaining adequate facilities to ensure that decisions to release sexual predators into the community are not made on the basis of inadequate space. Providing for specialized supervision of sexual predators who are in the community by specially trained probation officers, and that the sexual predator is subject to specified terms and conditions implemented at sentencing or at the time of release from incarceration, with a requirement that those who are financially able must pay all or part of the costs of supervision.

    If sexual predators are not prosecute to the term in prison the clerk of the court should ensure that his finger prints are taken and forwarded to the department of collection or any other body of law within 48 hours after the court has tendered its written sexual predator findings as this will ensure thorough follow up. As a result ther will be freedom among women as Helton 1993 argued that “It is the inalienable right of every woman to decide if she will, with whom she will, when she will, where she will and under what circumstances she will have sexual intercourse, and any man who takes that right from her does so at his own peril.” This gives the women the freedom but incases where this predator is not followed them the they usually repeat the act leaving the women vulnerable. 


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