Setting a goal for yourself/tatus Report & Applying Concepts

    Setting a goal for yourself/tatus Report & Applying Concepts
    The goal is for you to be regular and steady with your posting.

    Post 1-1 – Part 1: Any goal, academic or not, is acceptable for this assignment. Keep in mind that others may read your blog and make the goal something you’d be okay with others knowing. Your goal must be attainable by the last week of class in the summer semester.

    Include in your post: What is your goal? How does it meet the guidelines of being “SMART:” Specific Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time Sensitive? Explain each element of the SMART Goal description in your justification and describe the way your goal meets each element. See this website for additional information about the SMART criteria: Link

    Why is your goal worthy of this assignment? What makes it a good goal? Why is it important to you?

    Post 1-1 – Part 2: Explain your plan for how you will go about working toward your goal and how you will avoid potential pitfalls that may get in your way of your goal.

    Include, define in your own words, and cite specific concepts from at least two of the three areas we are studying this unit to explain how you will work toward your goal. Which specific concepts seem like they will be most helpful toward supporting your progress?

    You need to use concepts that are more specific than the area from which they are drawn. For instance, “memory” is too broad of a concept, but “working memory” would be appropriate. Look at subsections of chapters for concepts to apply to your plan and then, in Post 1-2, assessing progress.

    Note: Your goal can be academic or not, and related to the course or not. Any goal that you are comfortable posting where others can see and that is relevant and helpful to you is allowed. Keep in mind that your goal needs to be attainable by the last week of the summer semester.

    Beware of vague goals or goals that are outside of your control!
    “Earn (a) good grade(s) for the summer” is a vague goal and is outside the scope of the timeline for this project because we’ll be done with the class before you see your summer grade(s).
    A good replacement would be: “Take notes while reading my textbook for 45 minutes on at least three days each week for all weeks of the summer term.” This goal may seem small and already necessary, but if you don’t normally take notes while reading, this could be a specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound goal that will contribute to a higher grade and keep you on track with reading.


    Post 1-2: Status Report & Applying Concepts (a separate assignment will be posted for submission of the second post)


    What progress are you making on your goal? How do you know? What has been easy? What has been hard? What concepts (other than those indicated in Post 1) have you applied or considered in the process? (You must include at least one concept from an area not using in Post 1-1.)


    Somewhere in your blog posts 1-1 and 1-2, you need to use at least one specific concept from each of the three areas: learning, memory and motivation. All three areas must be addressed by the time you have finished your second blog post. “Motivation,” “learning,” and “memory” are all too broad to qualify as a specific concept. See the official terms within your modules on these topic for specific ideas. Blog posts without proper level of citation will be subject to deductions and may require revision. You need to cite all ideas/theories/statements of what is true that are not tentative statements or personal experience. Avoid direct quotes and paraphrase, then cite, explanations of concepts


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