Sephora Case Analysis

    Sephora Case Analysis 


    This case analysis is designed to challenge and enhance your analytical and writing skills while introducing you to the case method of learning. In this particular case study use the rich consumer data to support the range of decisions I am asking you to make. Please answer the questions below & submit in form of a short report (approx. 4-6 double-spaced pages, not including appendices)


    1) From what you read in the case study please detail the Sephora in-store brand experience (in-store brand experience). In your answer please give as full and comprehensive an analysis of the brand experience as you can.


    2) From what you read in the case study please detail the brand experience (the Sephora online brand experience, if you will). In your answer please give as full and comprehensive an analysis of the brand experience as you can.


    3) What should be the strategic goal(s) of Sephora’s digital and social media marketing programs? This can be a short answer – half page/page or so – in bullet points if you wish


    In all answers please make references to pertinent case information & data

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