

    You are employed as a creative copy writer/consultant for an Australian magazine publisher and part of your role is looking for ideas and inspiration.
    1. You are required to choose a printed advertisement from a magazine, newspaper, brochure or online ad for review and analysis using the questions within the below section Advertisement Analysis.
    2. Furnish a report format with a word limit of 800-850 words.
    3. The original printed advertisement must be handed in with the report, with reference to its source.
    Advertisement Analysis
    ? Who are the target markets for the advertisement (primary and secondary)?
    ? What is the message being communicated in the advertisement?
    ? What central idea can be identified and analysed, including the advertising appeal?
    ? Are there (obvious or not) any legal or ethical issues in relation to the advertisement and whether it breaches Australian advertising standards?
    ? Do you think the advertisement works? Why/why not? What attracted you to the advertisement?
    ? Could this advertisement be improved as a form of communication and if so, how would you change the advertisement?
    ? Calculate the budget and timeframe involved in this process by creating two tables. The first table has the following three headings:
    ? Task, Duration of Task, Estimated Labour Cost (ie, use standard industry hourly rate)
    ? The second table is to contain the following two headings:
    ? Resources and Estimated Cost. The resources include the equipment, materials and other requirements to do the job and the human resources cost as determined by the total in table 1.

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