Select one sector of health care from the choices listed below. This may be a sector in which you have an interest, one in which you work currently, or wish to work in in the future.

    •Long-term Care
    •Ambulatory Care
    •Public/Government Health Care
    •Physician Practice
    •Medical Education
    With your sector chosen, use articles and other resources available in to conduct research on your chosen sector. Cite and discuss at least seven outside sources.

    Present the results of your research and analysis of the sector in an APA style research paper that includes the following elements:

    •Write an introduction that summarizes your research question(s) and the point of your essay.
    •Describe of the sector’s historical development and current role in health care delivery
    •Identify and analyze major challenges that the sector faced prior to passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
    •Identify and analyze challenges the sector is likely to face in the future, given passage of the health care reform law and associated regulations (which, in some cases, are still being written).
    •Analyze the possible benefits and risks for your selected sector that are associated with health care reform.
    With respect to the sector that is the focus of your research, include discussion of the implications of your findings for the three overriding issues in health care today—cost, quality, and access.In addition to a Title Page and a References Page, the research paper should include the following sections:

    •Historical Development and Current State of Health Care Delivery
    •Challenges and Issues Prior to Health Care Reform
    •Sector Specific Challenges
    •Potential Risks and Benefits

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