Seeing Sounds Watercolor Painting

    Seeing Sounds Watercolor Painting

    Seeing Sounds Watercolor Painting assignment instructions

    This module is an abstract painting that explores expression and sound waves. Take a look at the following pages that include photographs of the process.

    You will do all steps of the process alone, but the images show how you might do it with a group of students. You will need crayons, white sketch paper, watercolors (watercolor crayons, pencils, or basic watercolor set), a brush, water, and a sheet of thicker white watercolor or construction paper.

    Look at the full lesson, “the example seeing sounds and process photographs”, and the PowerPoint. (I have attached both in the additional materials)  Then create your own sound symphony inspired by animal sounds.  In the example, each student started with one sound.  You will do the first part of the process for a number of different animals and then combine them.  Photograph each step of the process: initial drawings from animal sounds and your final painting.  The post your photographs on the discussion board titled, “Seeing Sounds Project.”



    • How do we visualize sounds?
    • How can we design a sound symphony?
    • How can lines used in the preparatory drawings be used together to make a variety of sounds?

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