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    1. Knowing that mixed costs are costs that have characteristics of both a variable and a fixed-costs. Respond / comment the below:
    When exploring mixed costs within personal life my initial thought goes directly to my cellphone provider as well as my internet provider. Both of these companies implement a mixed cost for the service they provide to consumers. Typically, with a cellphone provider the consumer agrees to a base price upon limitations, these limitations can be data used, texting rates, and long-distance calls. For a while until I opted into a plan for unlimited data, I had to pay an additional if I reached a monthly data limit. Much like a cellphone bill, my internet provider charges an additional fee once a certain data threshold is exceeded. If, however I remain within this data limit I maintain a monthly payment of $75.00 for speeds up to 600Mbps. For context, additional examples of mixed costs within companies can be found in utilities such as electricity, water, and natural gas. An example for business could be an agreement made during a lease where the business is charged a flat rate, as well as a variable cost such as a percentage based on gross sales.

    2. Knowing that mixed costs are costs that have characteristics of both a variable and a fixed-costs. Respond/comment the below:

    When thinking about mixed costs that occur or I may have in my personal life, I did not need a lot of time to find a great example, after finding out what mixed costs exactly are and understanding the topic properly. My thoughts immediately went to my phone. It was easy to think about because we all use it daily and need it in different situations. But to use it properly we need a cellphone provider. After signing the contract we will have access to different things besides the phone like e.g. Data, long distance calls like e.g. international calls or texting rates for e.g. SMS. These are mixed costs because the consumer is agreeing to a base price that he is paying monthly and the things mentioned in the previous sentence are the limitations we are getting. To have a closer look at this phenomenon we can have a look at e.g. unlimited data contracts as well. With unlimited data contracts e.g. the data speed will never be toggled within the month, but on the other hand, when you book eg. a contract with 10GB data, the speed will be lowered to a minimum when you exceed the limit. But the phone service industry is not the only place where you can find mixed costs. Mixed costs can also be found in e.g. the electricity business or at your internet provider, just to see that there are more examples.

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