Second interview summative technique

    Second interview summative technique

    . For your second interview, use a summative technique (e.g., Halcomb & Davidson, 2006) to create a detailed summary.
    One Reference:
    (Halcomb, E. J., & Davidson, P. M. (2006). Is verbatim transcription of interview data always necessary? Applied Nursing Research, 19(1), 38–42.)
    Part II
    2. Write in your unique statement in which you compare and contrast the two ways of turning interviews into data. Consider which approach gets you “closer” to the experience of the participant and which approach gets you “deeper” into seeing potential patterns and categories.
    Part III
    3. Create an organizational structure for your data sources and interview guide questions.
    Part llll
    4. Research transcription services. Name two and Identify your top choice, and justify why you prefer to transcribe the interviews yourself. 

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