Search at Google scholar -for instance-for a new herbal medicine having a pharmacological activity of your choice

    Dear students regarding your assignment that should be handed by 10/December/2019 at the latest you should do the following:


    -Search at Google scholar -for instance-for a new herbal medicine having a pharmacological activity of your choice ie: the article/research/publication you’re gonna refer to should NOT be published before 2014 , then in reference to the article you chose fill in the following:


    1- Common name of plant(s)-in use


    2- Latin name of plant(s)-in use/ family(ies)


    3-Active chemical constituents / in details!


    4- Part(s) of plant in use /Geographical distribution 


    5- Pharmacological effect with full explanation of mechanism of action


    6- Dose regimen -route of administration 


    7-Toxicity- contraindications/if present


    8- Herb-drug interactions-herb-herb interactions/if present


    9- Photo of the plant


    10- References “The article /abstract you referred on to write your assignment 


    PS: The assignment should be printed out in a word -document format

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