Scrty Strgy & Plcy Exam

    I have exam and it would comprise on these topics

    • Identify the role of an information systems security (ISS) policy framework in overcoming business challenges. 
    • Analyze how security policies help mitigate risks and support business processes in various domains in the information technology (IT) infrastructure.
    • Summarize the ethical components and basic requirements for creating a security policy framework.
    • Compare and contrast the different methods, roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities of personnel, along with the governance and compliance of security policy framework.
    • Summarize the ethical components and basic requirements for creating a security policy framework.
    • Compare and contrast the different methods, roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities of personnel, along with the governance and compliance of security policy framework.
    • Compare and contrast the different methods, roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities of personnel, along with the governance and compliance of security policy framework.
    • Describe the different ISS policies associated with the user domain. 
    • Analyze the different ISS policies associated with the IT infrastructure.
    • Describe the different ISS policies associated with risk management.
    • Compare and contrast the different ISS policies associated with incident response teams (IRT). 
    • Describe different issues related to implementing and enforcing ISS policies. 
    • Describe the different issues related to defining, tracking, monitoring, reporting, automating, and configuration of compliance systems and emerging technologies. 

    If you are expert, Let me know; I must need A grade 

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