scientific research

    This paper is meant to give you practice at reading and summarizing scientific research. It is due at any time during the semester. However, keep in mind that after you submit the paper there will be approximately a 1 week turn around for the grading process. Do not save this paper until the last minute.

    You will be required to submit a 2 to 3 page summary of a psychological study in APA format (a guide to APA format is seen at this link You must include a title page and a reference page for your summary. You will be able to retrieve a copy of a published scholarly article from the Nielsen Library. Use the link provided in WebCT and search the Psychology databases for an article of your choice. The only limitations are that this article must be from a peer reviewed scientific journal (not a book chapter, dissertation, or magazine article) and that the topic of the article must be one that ties to this course (any psychology article you find should work for that piece). The assignment is worth 50 points. This assignment should be saved in .rtf and submitted via the assignment dropbox. Please make sure and use the following format when saving the assignment (assignmentname-yourlastname)

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