Science Meets Real Life

    Science Meets Real Life
    Paper instructions:
    Whether you think of yourself as an up and coming scientist or not, you use science every day. You will explore how you apply different aspects of science in your daily life in a two part project. In 1,000-words (minimum), discuss the following:
    The Scientific Method
    Each and every day, you are faced with having to make split-second decisions, and the need to solve random problems that you encounter. To reach those decisions and work those problems out you are subconsciously using the scientific method. Apply the steps of the Scientific Method to two situations that could occur in your everyday life. To complete this assignment, apply the steps of the Scientific Method to the following two situations:
    Scenario 1: You make your way to the shower per your usual routine, but on this unfortunate day no water comes from the faucet.
    Scenario 2: Develop your own detailed problem and apply the scientific method to solve it. Your problem should be about: a problem faced at your place of work or school
    — Both Scenarios 1 and 2 must be completed
    — Include both scenarios in the same paper
    — This should be an essay – with an introduction, body, and conclusion
    — 1,000 word minimum
    — APA format required
    — Research is required

    For both scenarios, be sure to use terminology from the scientific method (hypothesis, experiment, etc.) while describing how you would address each problem.
    Your final project should be a minimum of 1,000-words written in APA style format. As always, be sure to provide appropriate citations, references, and links to any information you use in this paper. Be sure to also avoid copying and pasting large sections of text from any given source.

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