School of Interest

    School of Interest

    Many of you will have goals in your Career Map that require higher education. Some may wish to pursue a higher degree for personal satisfaction. It is not too early to consider which schools you may be interested in. I suggest an internet search using the terms “nursing graduate schools” to locate possibilities.

    Graduate Record Examinations (GRE)
    Whatever school you choose, attention should be given to their GRE requirements.
    GRE’s are standardized tests that many graduate schools (masters & doctoral programs) require for admission. Some schools place a predetermined basic score that will be accepted. It behooves you to make a good grade! There is a cost involved to take the GRE so being well prepared is a wise thing to do. One would not want to pay for it twice.
    There are courses and/or study books that offer a planned course of study to improve your scores. The courses can be traditional or online; they may be expensive. The study books can be found in book stores, this format requires self-discipline. I suggest an internet search using the terms “GRE courses” to locate possibilities.

    Scholarships specifically for graduate studies are available. Your BSN’s GPA, ethnicity, location, and other factors may make a difference in what is available. I suggest an internet search using the terms “nursing graduate scholarships” to locate possibilities.

    Please discuss your findings from Week 6 research for:
    1. A school of interest to you,
    2. Graduate Records Examination (GRE) information required by the school,
    3. How you will pursue the GRE,
    4. Possible scholarships available.
    A primary and secondary posting is required. (This is different than what you are used to in Week 7.) Your postings should also show critical analysis of the topics being discussed.
    Posting will be open on Sunday at 0800. Primary is limited to 300 words (due on Tuesday by 8p.m.) and the secondary is limited to 200 words (due on Thursday by 8p.m.). APA citations and references are required where relevant. Do not be concerned with indents or double spacing.


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