same sex marriage , gay marriage

    same sex marriage , gay marriage

    Capstone II as an Independent Study is designed to help you to develop ideas and pursue avenues of interest inspired by the first semester’s readings and discussions. You will do this through the standard form of academic discourse: independent research and the writing of a paper based on the insights gleaned from that research.

    A word about assignments: this is not a class in the customary sense of that term. Since this course is really a directed research project, the primary assignment will be a paper due at the end of the semester, December 10th. Students should follow the work schedule outlined below in order to ensure that they will be able to finish their projects. In addition, students should send WEEKLY updates by email. The culmination of the course will feature presentations in class, in addition to the final paper itself. From the student’s initial proposal, to the professor’s approval, to the submission and discussion of various drafts, Capstone II is a consultative process.

    Grades are based on the following criteria:

    a.) compliance with the deadlines and timetables indicated below, including weekly updates
    b.) rounded and thorough research
    c.) scholarly care, precision, and accuracy in writing and documentation
    d.) a variety of source materials, including books, journal articles, newspapers, electronic sources and databases, and interviews, depending on the chosen topic
    e.) a final paper which follows the guidelines and meets the requirements established on the following pages, and which is carefully proofread.

    This may all seem overwhelming, but the course schedule is designed to assist you in the research and writing process in a way that will help you develop and write this paper with a minimum of difficulty and anxiety. In order to do this, it is vital that you adhere to the schedule outlined below and correspond weekly with the professor.

    Required text: For all matters of citation and usage, Diana Hacker’s A Writer’s Reference, 6th edition, (Bedford/St Martin’s Press) as our “default” handbook. (“Default handbook” means that students can assume its guidelines are in place unless explicitly told otherwise by the instructor of a particular class.) If you are able to find the 5th edition at a more reasonable price, do not hesitate to acquire it instead. Diana Hacker’s website can be used to supplement her book:

    Proposals are due by email to me on September 10th. Students will be required to write a 20-25 page research paper, the topic of which must be approved by the professor. Papers must be typed and handed in on time. Late submissions will not be accepted.

    Paper Topics: Your paper and presentation must:

    1.) Demonstrate a thematic linkage with one or more selection or subtopics taken from or springing out of the Capstone I readings.
    2.) Deal with a particular concern of contemporary life that has a moral/ethical dimension. Past subjects have drawn upon such terrain as the effects of cyberbullying, the evolving status of the “housewife,” discriminatory treatment of immigrants, the amount of time spent at the workplace, and racism in law enforcement. In general, the broader the topic you choose, the less acceptable it will be to the professor. Making your papers increasingly precise is one of the crucial challenges of this course. Thus, someone who proposes to study single-parenthood or interracial marriage, will have to specify when, where, in what connection with particular issues and dilemmas raised in Capstone I, before receiving the professor’s approval to begin research.
    3.) Ideally include academic/literary sources (including newspapers of note, databases, authoritative journals, scholarly studies and surveys, and government sources), internet sources and first-hand data obtained through observation and interview. The extent to which this is accomplished naturally depends on the research topic.
    Paper Style and Organization:

    Please follow the format guidelines in A Writer’s Reference. The book is required reading, and questions relating to technique should be conveyed to the professor only after consulting the text. The style for quoting will be the “MLA style”, described in that book. It is necessary to understand this style before you begin writing. Again, this pertains to bibliographical content and order, and for methods of quoting and documenting.

    You shall use In-text parenthetical citations (not footnotes) when quoting or citing sources. For example, “National differences and antagonisms between peoples are daily more and more vanishing” (Williams 19). This form of citation is known as the MLA (Modern Language Association) style. The general rule of thumb for In-text citations is to put the author’s last name and the page number in parenthesis after a quotation or a reference to concrete information obtained from the source. This method also applies to Internet sources, though sometimes no page will be indicated, nor will there always be an author: if not, put the title in the parenthesis. For instance, “Approximately 73 percent of American youth between 16 and 24 are expected to be unemployed in the coming summer.” (“Youth Unemployment Skyrockets in Urban Centers.”)

    Any extra comments you wish to separate from the main text should be placed at the back of the paper in the form of “endnotes,” not footnotes. Endnotes are for information of tangential relevance which do not belong in the main body of your paper; endnotes are not for documentation or citation of material in the text of your paper.

    The paper must include a complete Works Cited section or Bibliography. A Works Cited section lists all the sources referred to in your paper. A Bibliography supplies the same information, but also includes sources you examined but did not necessarily mention in the paper. Works Cited or Bibliographic listings should include author, date of publication, title (books and names of magazines and newspapers underlined or in italic, articles in quotes), city of publication, publisher, and, in the case of articles, the page numbers. Examples of all types of bibliographical entries, including internet sources, are given in A Writer’s Reference. An accurate listing of sources is essential to clear in-text parenthetical citations. When you put an author’s last name and page# in parenthesis in the text of the paper, the reader can look in the Works Cited section or Bibliography in the back for complete reference information.


    The thesis you write in Capstone II is serious enough to require serious sources of information. Of particular importance are articles by researchers published in “scholarly journals.” Since conventional websites and search engines do not customarily provide such articles, it is vital to access the databases which do, such as EBSCO and Proquest.

    The New York Public Library website includes an online database of newspapers and other periodicals called EBSCO: students may type in 23333026642924 after clicking EBSCO on the NYPL web page.

    The Nassau Public Library website includes the similar Proquest database. To use Proquest from home, type in 21507000198829 or use your own Nassau library card number.

    From EBSCO or Proquest, type in a phrase, event, or name, and the database will reproduce the full texts of all articles on the subject over at least the past 3 years. Although one can search more broadly as well, the databases promote direct consultation of published sources that have some authority, whose articles and opinions may be used or criticized by the scholarly student.

    If they are to be used at all, conventional Internet sources – Google or Yahoo, for example – must be treated with great care. They must also be documented with precision, as reflected in Hacker’s book. Internet sources should be viewed as a component of the paper, not as a substitute for



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