Sales force Compensation

    Sales force Compensation
    Six factors that influence sales compensation plan:
    (2 minutes per topic)= 12min
    1) People who enter sales profession
    2) Product to be sold

    3) Org. Strategy
    4) Competitor practices

    5) Market Maturity
    6) Economic Environment

    Use book as guideline (Page 274-275) , then find academic sources to support argument.

    Plus: be sure that you include ” Introduction (1min),and ” summary + final recommendation “(4min) Please be sure to include a substantial piece on compensation – this is a compensation course that requires discussion within your presentation.

    Six factors that influence sales compensation plan:
    (2 minutes per topic)= 12min
    1) People who enter sales profession
    2) Product to be sold

    3) Org. Strategy
    4) Competitor practices

    5) Market Maturity
    6) Economic Environment

    Use book as guideline (Page 274-275) , then find academic sources to support argument.

    Plus: be sure that you include ” Introduction (1min),and ” summary + final recommendation “(4min) Please be sure to include a substantial piece on compensation – this is a compensation course that requires discussion within your presentation.

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