Sage Unknown Error : An Unknown Error Occurred Connecting to SMTP Server


    Sage bookkeeping programming is a fantastic bookkeeping answer for overseeing business finance. The arrangement accompanies astounding elements to assist clients with effectively dealing with their business record and lift business efficiency. In spite of the fact that it is integrated with fantastic elements Sage programming can in any case give out some issue while clients run it.

    The Sage Unknown Error is one among other Sage issues/mistakes. This blunder can happen in three unique situations:

    An obscure blunder happened while associating with SMTP server

    An obscure mistake happened while opening all reports

    Find goal steps to fix your issues in the accompanying lines. On the off chance that you need any help while playing out the means underneath, the experts at RemoteAccounting247 are accessible nonstop to help you.

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    Issue 1: An obscure mistake happened while interfacing with SMTP server

    This blunder can happen due to:

    When webmail account isn’t designed to empower admittance to Sage

    Inaccurate email arrangement in Sage while messaging with Outlook

    Security programming is hindering association

    Recuperation email is utilized rather than Google email under the Personal data and protection

    Erroneous secret word utilized for webmail


    Re-design the webmail record to allow messages process from Sage

    Follow a substitute advance for Gmail arrangement

    Follow a substitute advance for Yahoo setup

    Alter email arrangement

    Assuming that security is impeding association incapacitate security programming quickly

    Affirm the webmail secret phrase is right

    Reinstall Sage assuming that the program is harmed

    Read More-:

    Issue 2: Unknown blunder – 2146893813-PAWEncrypt 

    This mistake can happen due to:

    Issues in the Windows client profile.

    Consents in the library are erroneously set or might be harmed.

    The Security Update for Windows 7 is introduced.


    Restart your Computer

    Sign into your windows utilizing an alternate Windows User account

    Make another nearby Windows User

    Change Windows client profile State in the library

    Impair Windows User Account Control (UAC).

    Reboot your PC

    Issue 3: If an obscure mistake happened while opening all reports

    This mistake can happen due to:

    At the point when the reports expect to be revived utilizing default settings

    Wrong printer set up in the Reports and Forms window for reports


    Adjust Report setting by going to the Report Center.

    Change chosen printer to another printer.

    Run Advanced Check and Repair choice.

    Find support from specialists

    The experts at RemoteAccounting247 are accessible to help you through the means. You will be given a bit by bit manual for play out the means and fix your blunder.

    See also-: sage 50 error 3318

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