In this project you will implement a server for the Purdue Safe Walk Program. The server you are going to write will handle requests and commands sent from the user.
Safe Walk is a campus safety system (currently done manually) that allows people on campus to request that someone walk with them from one location to another on campus. For more details, refer to this document.
Here are some definitions and terms that will be used throughout this project.
A location is a building in Purdue campus. A location is identified by a unique acronym. First, for simplicity, the following locations will be defined in the system:
You may think of * as a wildcard that matches with any of the first five locations.
As you will see later, a user message will contain two locations, FROM and TO. Locations not on the list above will be considered invalid.
A user is anyone who sends content to the server.
A requester is a user who asks for help (instead of sending commands). Again, as you will find later, not all users are requesters.
Now you are going to write your own server program.
Command-Line Arguments
Name your program SafeWalkServer. To run it, use the command java SafeWalkServer port where the port argument should be an integer between1025 and 65535 inclusive. If the port argument is given but invalid, print an error message (any meaningful message) and exit gracefully. If the port argument is not provided, your program should use a port that is automatically allocated, in which case you must print this port number to stdout before the server startsaccepting requests. For example,
Port not specified. Using free port 8888.
where 8888 is the port allocated automatically. Note that 8888 is just an example.
If the port is already used (the constructor of ServerSocket will throw an exception). Print an error message and exit gracefully.
Class Constructors
Your SafeWalkServer should have two constructors corresponding to the situations where port may or may not be given.
Finish these two methods:
/** * Construct the server, and create a server socket, * bound to the specified port. * * @throws IOException IO error when opening the socket. */public SafeWalkServer(int port) throws IOException { //TODO: finish the method} /** * Construct the server, and create a server socket, * bound to a port that is automatically allocated. * * @throws IOException IO error when opening the socket. */public SafeWalkServer() throws IOException { //TODO: finish the method}
Note that the constructors may throw exceptions if any problem occurs during the execution of the constructor. If the object is successfully instantiated without exceptions then the server object is ready to run.
To enable the socket to be reclaimed by the operating system when the program exits, be sure to set the address to reusable by callingsetReuseAddress(true). For more details, refer to setReuseAddress.
Required Methods
Your SafeWalkServer class must extend ServerSocket class and implement the Runnable interface. Thus, you must provide a run method. You must also provide a method isPortValid. The following javadoc comments describe their functionality.
/** * Start a loop to accept incoming connections. */public void run() { //TODO: finish this method} /** * Return true if the port entered by the user is valid. Else return false. * Return false if you get a NumberFormatException while parsing the parameter port * Call this method from main() before creating SafeWalkServer object * Note that you do not have to check for validity of automatically assigned port */public static boolean isPortValid(String port) {//TODO: finish this method}
Note that your server should not start accepting incoming requests before run() is called.
To make the server run forever, your run() method may look something like:
while (/* condition */) { Socket client = accept(); // i.e., do something with client}
Note that accept() blocks the execution of the server until there is an incoming connection.
Basic Protocol
It is very difficult for two people to communicate if one does not understand the other’s language. Similarly, a server cannot talk to clients unless they conform to the same protocol. The protocol that your server uses will be simple text messages.
Client Requests
There are two types of messages that your server needs to handle: request messages and commands.
The request message is simple text in CSV (comma-separated value) form, with three fields: NAME,FROM,TO where
For example, a message Tom Riddle,LWSN,PUSH means the person named Tom Riddle wants to move from LWSN to PUSH, while the message Harry Potter,LWSN,* means that Harry Potter wants to move from LWSN to * location (perhaps to help someone as a volunteer).
There are three commands that your server needs to handle. Note that they all start with a colon (:).
ERROR: invalid command and close its socket.
TASKFROMTOWrite to the client socket (Action)#**total number of pending requests#Any valid location other than **total number of pending requests starting at FROM#*Any valid location other than *total number of pending requests destined to TO***list all the pending requests
Example commands and their corresponding response messages are as shown below. Note that these are examples, you should not hard code values in your program. You should stick to the format of the response messages shown below.
:PENDING_REQUESTS,#,LWSN,* // command RESPONSE: # of pending requests from LWSN = 1 // response :PENDING_REQUESTS,#,*,PUSH // command RESPONSE: # of pending requests to PUSH = 2 // response:PENDING_REQUESTS,#,*,* // command RESPONSE: # of pending requests = 2 // response:PENDING_REQUESTS,*,*,* // command [[Alicia, PMU, PUSH], [Riya, LWSN, EE]] // responseRequest/Command Handling
Whenever accept() returns a Socket object, your server has received a new request/command to handle. Your server should handle a request/command by doing the following steps: validity check, handle request/command, clean up.
Validity Check
Before performing a request/command, your server should first check if it is valid. The rules are as follows:
If the request is invalid, respond with ERROR: invalid request to the client and close its socket. If the command is invalid, respond with ERROR: invalid command to the client and close its socket.
Handle Request/Command
If the message is a valid command, perform it as specified in the list of commands.
If the message is a valid request, try to find a match for it:
If there is no suitable pair for the requester, put it on hold:
If a matched pair is found, move the on-hold client out of the list, respond to each of the pair their match’s request message prefixed with RESPONSE: , and close their sockets.
For example, given
Tom Riddle,LWSN,PUSHVegeta,LWSN,EEHarry Potter,LWSN,*Andy,CL50,*Bella,CL50,*Cyndi,EE,*Woody,CL50,PMUGoku,LWSN,EEEdward,CL50,PUSHJohn Doe,PUSH,PMU:PENDING_REQUESTS,*,*,*
the server will do the following:
The client who sends :PENDING_REQUESTS,*,*,* will get
[[Cyndi, EE, *], [John Doe, PUSH, PMU]]
If the server then receives command :RESET then Cyndi and John Doe will get the response ERROR: connection reset and have their connections closed.
Use the readLine method of BufferedReader when reading from input streams, and the println method of PrintWriter when writing to output streams. Refer to textbook or lecture slides from week 10 (External Communication) for more details.
Clean Up
After a client has been served (paired with another client, or connection reset), close its streams and socket gracefully so that Java garbage collector knows to reclaim the resources.
For testing the server you can either write JUnit tests or use networking tools. We strongly suggest that you write JUnit tests as it can automate the testing process.
Writing Junit Tests
If you are clueless at this point then refer to
Using the lab computers, or a personal computer running Linux or Mac OS X, you will have access to two simple UNIX networking tools that may help you in the initial testing, and are described below.
One is telnet. To use telnet to send messages to your server, issue the following command in your terminal:
where HOST_NAME and PORT_NUMBER are the host and port on which your server program is running. Here, you can use or localhost as the host name if you wish to connect to a port on the local machine.
If the connection is established, you can send text by typing it.
The other is netcat, which prints the content in its stdin to a remote socket, and prints the response to stdout. An example command may be
$ nc data.cs.purdue.edu 14180 < client_msg.txt
which assumes your server runs on data.cs.purdue.edu:14180 and the request message is stored in client_msg.txt.
If you are developing on a Windows computer, you may or may not have access to the telnet command by default. You can test this by opening the command prompt and trying to run it. If you don’t have access, an alternative is to use ncat, an implementation of netcat for Windows. Download fromhere. Use it with the form
$ ncat <host> <port>
and then type your request or command and hit enter.
$ turnin -v -c cs180 -p project5 SafeWalkServer.java
$ turnin -v -c cs180 -p project5Final SafeWalkServer.java
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