Rubik’s Cube Simulator using JAVA


    Rubik’s Cube Simulator

    In this project, you will be creating a Rubik’s Cube simulator. 


    Before beginning the lab you will need to do the following things:

    1. Create a folder within your class folder and name it Rubik. All of your files for this project must be saved in this CIS36A/Rubik directory.

    2. Download the following files into your CIS36A/Rubik directory:

    o Download

    o Download

    o Download 

    3. Always compile and run class. It will automatically compile the other supporting classes. 


    Submit all of your final source files

    Submit sample console runs for all of the parts below. 

    Part 1 – Create a Cube

    You will be given the main program class (RubikRunner). You will not need to change RubikRunner.

    You will also be given the skeleton to the Rubik’s Cube class (RubikCube) and a placeholder class describing the face of a Rubik’s Cube (RubikFace).  You will not have to change RubikFace.

    Your assignment is to:

    1) Implement the RubikCube constructor.  The constructor takes no arguments and creates and populates an array of RubikFace objects.  Each RubikFace should have its own color (ex: full color name: White).

    2) Implement the toString() method of RubikCube.  The output of the method should be the net of the cube, with the front face in the center, as shown below.

    Sample Run

    B O G



    W: White

    O: Orange

    B: Blue

    Y: Yellow

    R: Red

    You must use the faces array in your toString method to receive full credit.

    Part 2 – Rotate the entire Cube

    In this part, you will write code to rotate the cube.  You will need to implement a loop asking the user what direction to rotate in RubikRunner, and implement left(), right(), up() and down() methods in RubikCube that will rotate the cube in the given direction.  For example, if the cube looks like:

    B O G

    and you rotated left, the cube would now look like:

    O G R

    Your assignment is to:

    1) – Implement the 4 commands as void methods – left(), right(), up(), down()

    2) – add a command loop that asks the user for which direction to turn the cube, including the option to exit the program.  After each turn is executed, print out the cube.

    3) – still nothing to do on this one, yet.

    Sample Run

    B O G

    What direction? q to quit
    What direction [right, left, up, down]: left
    O G R

    What direction? q to quit
    What direction [right, left, up, down]: right
    B O G

    What direction? q to quit
    What direction [right, left, up, down]: up
    B Y G

    What direction? q to quit

     What direction [right, left, up, down]: down

    B O G

    What direction? q to quit
    What direction [right, left, up, down]: q

     Part 3 – Nine-facet version of each face

    In this part, you will be working mostly with the RubikFace class.  

    Your assignment is to:

    1) RubikFace – Add a 3×3 array to RubikFace that will hold the colors for each of the 9 facets on the face.  For now, set each of the facets to be the same color as the face.  You will also have to modify the toString method to return a 3×3 grid of colors.  If, for example, the color of the face was Red, your toString method should return:

     R R R
    R R R
    R R R

    2) Update any methods in RubikRunner or RubikCube that require updating as a result of this change.

    Starting with this activity, you need to comment on your code. 

    Sample Run

           W W W
          W W W
          W W W
    B B B O O O G G G
    B B B O O O G G G
    B B B O O O G G G
          Y Y Y
          Y Y Y
          Y Y Y
          R R R
          R R R
          R R R

    What direction? q to quit
    What direction [right, left, up, down]: left
          W W W
          W W W
          W W W
    O O O G G G R R R
    O O O G G G R R R
    O O O G G G R R R
          Y Y Y
          Y Y Y
          Y Y Y
          B B B
          B B B
          B B B

    What direction? q to quit
    What direction [right, left, up, down]: up
          G G G
          G G G
          G G G
    O O O Y Y Y R R R
    O O O Y Y Y R R R
    O O O Y Y Y R R R
          B B B
          B B B
          B B B
          W W W
          W W W
          W W W

    What direction? q to quit
    What direction [right, left, up, down]: down

          W W W
          W W W
          W W W
    O O O G G G R R R
    O O O G G G R R R
    O O O G G G R R R
          Y Y Y
          Y Y Y
          Y Y Y
          B B B
          B B B
          B B B

    What direction? q to quit
    What direction [right, left, up, down]: right
          W W W
          W W W
          W W W
    B B B O O O G G G
    B B B O O O G G G
    B B B O O O G G G
          Y Y Y
          Y Y Y
          Y Y Y
          R R R
          R R R
          R R R

     Part 4 – Shuffled Cube

    In this part, you will write the first step of code to rotate one face of the Rubik’s Cube.  When you rotate an actual Rubik’s Cube, the front rows on the sides move with the face you’re rotating – we’re not doing that.  yet …

    You will be working mostly with RubikFace in this exercise. 

    Your assignment is to:

    1) Modify the constructor for RubikFace. RubikFace will need to have randomly generated colors in each of the cells, except the center cell which will remain the color that is passed through to the constructor.

    2) Modify RubikRunner to accept 2 new commands: cw (for clockwise) and ccw (for counter clockwise).  Each of those commands will call the corresponding new RubikCube methods that you will create.  Those new RubikCube methods (ccw() and cw()) will call the corresponding new methods in RubikFace. Note that the rotated face is always the front face (face 2).

    The RubikFace methods will rotate the face 90 degrees in the indicated direction.

    Note: if you did not get your faces to print out correctly in Part 3, substitute printing just the front face in your toString for RubikCube.

    Sample Run

            G Y Y
          G W W
          Y O B
    Y W R G Y R B W O
    B B Y R O G G G G
    R W B R B W G B R
          B O R
          O Y Y
          Y O R
          W W R
          B R B
          Y B O

    What direction? q to quit
    What direction [right, left, up, down]: cw
          G Y Y
          G W W
          Y O B
    Y W R R R G B W O
    B B Y B O Y G G G
    R W B W G R G B R
          B O R
          O Y Y
          Y O R
          W W R
          B R B
          Y B O

    What direction? q to quit
    What direction [right, left, up, down]: cw  
          G Y Y
          G W W
          Y O B
    Y W R W B R B W O
    B B Y G O R G G G
    R W B R Y G G B R
          B O R
          O Y Y
          Y O R
          W W R
          B R B
          Y B O

    What direction? q to quit
    What direction [right, left, up, down]: ccw
          G Y Y
          G W W
          Y O B
    Y W R R R G B W O
    B B Y B O Y G G G
    R W B W G R G B R
          B O R
          O Y Y
          Y O R
          W W R
          B R B
          Y B O

    Part 5

    Finally – your simulator will be complete! This assignment will complete the ability to fully rotate your cube.

    The basic methods you need for this are in place – the cw() and ccw() in RubikCube. You will need to modify cw() and ccw() in RubikCube to rotate the matching columns or rows of the top, left, right and bottom faces when the front face is rotated. You may need to create other methods in either RubikCube or RubikFace to support your efforts.

    Sample Run

            Y G G
          G W B
          O B R
    G Y Y B W W B W R
    G B W R O R W G G
    G B B G R O W G B
          G W W
          G Y B
          B G B
          O B O
          B R O
          W R G

    What direction? q to quit
    What direction [right, left, up, down]: cw
          Y G G
          G W B
          B W Y
    G Y G G R B O W R
    G B W R O W B G G
    G B W O R W R G B
          W W B
          G Y B
          B G B
          O B O
          B R O
          W R G

    What direction? q to quit
    What direction [right, left, up, down]: ccw
          Y G G
          G W B
          O B R
    G Y Y B W W B W R
    G B W R O R W G G
    G B B G R O W G B
          G W W
          G Y B
          B G B
          O B O
          B R O
          W R G

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