roles in life

    Essay Two

    The second essay is a continuation of the thoughts in essay #1.

    Shift from your responsibility and attitude towards others to describing your attitude and responsibility to yourself. What are your “roles” in life and how do you overcome them to find “satisfaction” over your fate (bad times, senseless works, betrayal by friends, etc.—the “rocks” in life).

    Finally, in light of your answers, above, describe who you are (not a physical description, but a moral one) as a human being.
    a. Is who you are satisfying to you? Explain and give examples.
    b. Do you see room for improvement? If so, what would you strive for and, if you are already satisfied, how do you see yourself growing in the future as you age?

    From the sum of the two essays, what conclusion do you draw?

    Remember that this is an essay, so do not post the points as numbered “bullets.” Each of the three questions should transition into the next.

    The two essays are a culmination of all that we have studied this semester in PHI 101. I hope they will help you to see the relevance of some of the questions that past philosophers/philosophies have struggled with. In the end, we are all humans, who have learned by our successes and failures, who are touched by others, and who are searching for our place in the world. May the journey be a happy one.

    Reminder: The following is the rubric for what is needed.

    Assessment Rubric

    Main Idea

    Identifying a problem, issue or concept (thesis statement in an introductory paragraph).

    Supporting evidence

    Evaluating the problem, issue or concept and selecting relevant supporting information and/or argument (a minimum of three—preferably more– complete paragraphs).


    Logically synthesizing problem, issue or concept with supporting information and/or argument and coming to a relevant conclusion (concluding paragraph relating back to main idea).


    Clear expression of ideas with adherence to standard rules of grammar, spelling, and sentence structure in an essay format with appropriate margins. The essay must follow the length requirements and be posted directly into the appropriate area of the class.

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