Role of Unions in the United States (US)

    Paper instructions:
    Conduct independent research into the role of unions in the United States (US). Read chapter 12 comprehensively.

    Paper Title: Role of Unions in the United States (US)

    Research Paper Instructions:

    Based upon the results of research into the field of the role of Unions in the United States write a paper that addresses the following three main points (Level One Headings):

    1. Discuss if the role of unions in the U.S. should increase
    2. Identify what role should HRM personnel play in employee relations within organizations
    3 Identify what role should government should play


    Submit your work as an MS WORD ATTACHMENT in either a .doc or .docx format.

    See the Sample APA formatted paper and other APA and Writing documents found in the Resources Area to use as a guide.

    The course e-text must be used as one of the three references.
    Papers will include a cover page, three pages of written content, and a reference page. Double-space all text. Corse e-text: Dias, L. P. (2012). Human resource management. v. 1.0, Flatworld Knowledge. Irvington, NY: Flat World Knowledge, Inc. Retrieved from

    Research paper will be graded for APA format and proper citing, subject content, grammatical, spelling and typographical errors and writing ability.

    See the grading rubric posted in the Resources Area to determine how your papers will be graded.

    All research papers must be submitted as Microsoft (MS) Word Documents; no other word-processing formats can be accepted

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