River Valley Civilizations

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    Even though these civilizations formed independently from one another, they shared lots of aspects. The river valleys’ served these civilizations with the production of goods to be traded, cultivation, new technologies, etc.

    Mesopotamia: due to its geographical location in the middle of The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, these cascading rivers were very unpredictable, sometimes causing water floods which lead the society living along this river to adapt to its furious but at the same time productive source of life waters. Agriculture was very important, but trading gave this civilization the opportunity to interact with other cities. One of the disadvantages to these trades was that it attracted outsider attention causing some of this groups to become dominated, leading to the division of the cities. As far as technology, this civilization was the pioneer in writing.

    India: the semi-tropical weather gave this civilization the opportunity to be very successful in agriculture. It gave the famers the opportunity to harvest different goods in every season of the year, which gave them the opportunity to improve on harvesting technologies and strategies. Trades were an important economic aspect, for example they traded copper, jewelry in pursuance of gold, textiles, etc.

    Egypt: The Nile River was the main source of life for this civilization. Since Egypt is mostly desert, they arranged their lives alongside this river, providing them water, food, agriculture, transportation, etc. Religion was a very important aspect to them, they prayed and served different Gods and goddesses, These Gods were meant to watch over them and their properties across the land. This civilization was a master in architecture, the prime example are the pyramids. They were also advanced in writing.

    China: the Yellow River was the main source of water, food, etc. for China. Just like Mesopotamia, massive floods were one of the main problems this civilization had to face. Geographically, this civilization was not isolated from other cities, which gave the people from other cities the opportunity to come and introduce new technologies and cultural differences.

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