Risk Management Plan

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    Risk Management Plan

    1. Establish the project’s priority matrix (constrain, enhance, accept).
    2. Identify a minimum of 10 project risks and when each will occur in the project life cycle, and then determine their impact and probability of occurrence.
    3. Create a matrix similar to the one from the your text (Pinto, Figure 7.5 Classifying Project Risk on page 222), making sure that it is consistent with your priority matrix, or use the risk management process in the Practitioner section of Week 3.
    4. Justify the use of your risk scoring matrix or use the risk management process in the Practitioner section of Week 3.
    5. Assess your risks according to your matrix.
    6. Rank the risks according to their total risk score.
    7. Prepare the Risk Response Matrix for each risk—Risk, Response, Contingency, Trigger, Responsible Person—Using the Risk Management Analysis Template in doc shr


    • Use the Risk Management Analysis Template spreadsheet (risk management analysis template.xls) found in Doc Sharing (there is a separate tab for each portion of the risk management plan) or use the risk management process in the Practitioner section of Week 3.
    • If working in a team, include a statement of participation, describing how each person contributed to this project deliverable. Please have each person sign the statement.

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