Risk Assessment 2

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    Develop an Incident Action Plan based on the three job hazards you identified.
    Reference the Sample Command Procedures for Emergency Response Operations, beginning on the bottom of page 412 in your textbook. Use this guideline to create an Incident Action Plan for your place of employment (or home). Tailor the Incident Action Plan to address your unique situation. In addition, address the seven common mistakes made by incident commanders on page 416.  Must be seven double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style.
    Must include a title page with the following:
    Title of paper
    Student’s name
    Course name and number
    Instructor’s name
    Date submitted
    Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
    Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
    Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
    Must use at least six scholarly sources.
    Must document all sources in APA style.
    Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style.
    Risk Assessment
    The purpose of this assignment is to carry out the risk assessment on three different activities that are performed at my workplace which are relating to materials management. The tasks relate to vehicle fueling, various cleaning tasks, storing materials, replacing the oil of the car, and others. According to Gantt (2009), the risk assessment has fewer objectives as well as it requires the certain degree of the judgment on behalf of the ones that are involved. It primarily refers to the processes that are utilized for determining the methods wherein these hazards would potentially be causing harm towards the ones that are involved in the operation.
    Risk Assessment Plan
    Considering my actual workplace currently there are minimal situations where any form of hazards or the risky situations could occur. However, I can primarily relate to different situations at…


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