Risk Analysis and Capital Structuring

    Attention please
    Please I want you to read and understood the instructions. And make sure that you have the necessary material and experience needed for this assignment. I want quality work before accept the assignment and make sure you are satisfied with the assignment requirement.
    The board of directors of your for-profit hospital has been approached by a nonprofit hospital to consider a joint venture to take over their business resulting in a larger for-profit medical center status.You have been asked to construct a financial risk analysis for this conversion.Using course materials including your text and the Internet and principles of financial risk analysis evaluate the considerations that a nonprofit hospital has in considering the conversion to a for-profit hospital.
    Consider the following options in support of your decision:
    Consider the following topics in your discussion:
    Your paper must include your financial information derived in your risk analysis as an appendix included after the Reference page.
    The body of the resultant paper should be 5 pages. Applicable spreadsheets should be attached to support your decisions. The assignment should include at least 5 relevant peer-reviewed academic or professional references published within the past 5 years.
    For a resource guide on using the online library to search for references clickhere.

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