“Richard Cory” by Edwin Arlington Robinson

    “Richard Cory” by Edwin Arlington Robinson

    Part 1
    1. Why the poetry appeal to you and explain why. In your discussion, identify the poem as predominantly narrative, lyric, or dramatic and briefly discuss the meaning. Remember most good literature is not didactic–the poem should not be reduced to a moral; rather it should reflect the human experience.
    2. Next, try to formulate your own definition of poetry.
    Discuss the questions for each poem.
    Here is three poems I chose, please see website
    ? “Richard Cory” by Edwin Arlington Robinson (563)

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    ? “Spellbound” by Emily Bronte


    ? “ Death, be not proud” by John Donne


    Part 2
    ?Read the lyric poems listed below and respond to these prompts for each.questions
    ? “Funeral Blues” W. H. Auden


    ? “Spellbound” by Emily Bronte


    ? “The Names” by Billy Collins


    1. Identify the speaker, audience, occasion or situation.
    2. Identify lyric elements and then briefly explicate or paraphrase the poem; that is, put it into your own words.
    3. Then determine the theme; that is–what do you think the poem adds up to–what is it the poet is conveying about himself or herself, others, love, nature etc. that sheds light on the human experience.

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