Rhetorical Analysis/Critique for Pollan essay

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    Rhetorical Analysis of Pollan – UM ENG 105
    Assignment based on a chapter from Michael Pollan’s book, “The Omnivore’s Dilemma”: Write a rhetorical analysis of the chapter “The Animals: Practicing Complexity,” pp. 280-292. written by Michael Pollan. Keep in mind that this assignment is a rhetorical analysis and a critique. You should discuss this section of Pollan’s book in its entirety. Do not summarize the text.
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    What is rhetorical analysis?
    Rhetoric is the study of how writers and speakers use words to influence an audience. A rhetorical analysis is an essay that breaks a work of non-fiction into parts and then explains how the parts work together to create a certain effect—whether to persuade, entertain or inform. You can also conduct a rhetorical analysis of a primarily visual argument such as a cartoon or advertisement, or an oral performance such as a speech.
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    A rhetorical analysis should explore the rhetorician’s goals, the techniques (or tools) used, examples of those techniques, and the effectiveness of those techniques. When writing a rhetorical analysis, you are NOT saying whether or not you agree with the argument. Instead, you’re discussing how the rhetorician makes that argument and whether or not the approach used is successful.
    © 2011 University Writing Center Writing Objectives
    Analyze, analyze, analyze. Analyze the appeals utilized. Analyze the diction, syntax, details, imagery, tone and any other rhetorical strategies Pollan employs. Ask yourself how Pollan utilizes these tools to make his argument. How successfully does he make use of these tools? Thoroughly discuss the SOAPS of the writing. Utilize the “How to Write a Rhetorical Analysis” handout at every stage of your paper.

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