Rhetorical Analysis Essay

    Rhetorical Analysis Essay

    English and Literature

    For this essay, we will be writing a short rhetorical analysis on Doug Marlette’s essay, “I was a tool of Satan”. After thoroughly reading the essay, consider some of the rhetorical strategies Marlette uses when writing his essay. When doing this find at least three things Marlette does in his essay (strategies he uses) to help persuade the reader. You will be analyzing the Marlette essay.
    Essays will be graded on the following:
    • Clear thesis statement (you want to state the general message/point/thesis of Marlette’s essay and state what he does in his essay to get this message across effectively)
    • Clear topic sentences—when in doubt, use the Topic Sentence Test. DON’T try to be creative over being clear.
    • Clarity of argument—do you make sense? Are you arguing something clearly? Are you being logical?
    • Structure of essay—Your essay should have a clear structure
    • Grammar—I will pay special attention to the proper use of the following:
    o Pronoun reference (especially singular v plural, “it,” etc.)
    o Sentence fragments
    o Run-On sentences
    • Correct use of point-of-view (write in third person POV).
    • I am looking for three solid reasons in support of your thesis statement—three strategies Marlette employs and a discussion of how each are effective.



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