Rhetorical Analysis

    For this final writing assignment you will apply what you have learned about rhetorical analysis to a current text of your choice and explore connections between that text and the content of our course. For this assignment, do some independent research to find a news article, video clip, or blog post that makes an argument about a multicultural issue. Analyze this “text” using the rhetorical strategies from class. Additionally, this assignment requires you to make well-developed (meaning lengthy) connections between your “text” and 1-3 readings from the syllabus. The final section of your writing should include a personal reflection on what you have learned and what you now think about multiculturalism from this assignment and the course as a whole. The idea is to think broadly and holistically about our course’s theme and to demonstrate your understanding of rhetorical analysis. Instead of a formal paper for this assignment, you will use your blogs to post your findings. Blog posts must be between 1500 and 2000 words in length. Use MLA citation methods where appropriate. We will conduct a peer review of your blog posts in class on December 2. Blog posts are due by midnight December 5.

    I. Thesis
    In the introduction you state in a clear, well-written sentence the main idea or argument that you make about multiculturalism based on your analysis of the “text” and the connections you make to our course content.

    II. Rhetorical Analysis of “text”
    Application of critical criteria from our rhetorical analysis unit to the “text” under discussion. Evaluation of argument to address both how the argument is made and whether or not it is valid

    III. Connection to Syllabus Readings

    Includes a well-developed connection between the “text” under discussion and 1-3 readings from our syllabus. Uses textual evidence from readings.

    IV. Personal Reflection
    Final paragraph or two that addresses your reflections on multiculturalism based on your research and analysis as well as our class discussions.

    V. Peer Review
    Points for bringing a full draft of blog post and for participating in peer review

    VI. MLA
    Successful application of MLA (in-text citations and a works cited

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