Rhetoric in the public sphere

    In your first paragraph, explain the concept of “the public sphere” (the “normative ideal”) and why it is important for democracy. You should reference (cite and/or paraphrase) Habermas, Gore, or Both. In the second paragraph, offer a critique of the public sphere concept—where the normative ideal is flawed, problematic, or unrealistic when put into practice. (Just ONE critique is fine; you don’t have the space to explore every flaw, or all four of Fraser’s arguments.) You might reference Fraser here, and/or offer your own ideas. Finally, propose 3-5 research questions that grow out of what you’ve learned about the public sphere. (The last part of your exercise will be a numbered set of questions.) These questions should be specific, and should point toward potential paper topics that you genuinely care about. You can engage several different topic ideas with your questions, OR you can offer several related questions on just one idea. Put some care into crafting your questions; they are the most important part of this assignment. 1-2 pages, typed, double-spaced.

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