REVISION (CHECK THE LATEST COMMENT) Vasodilation Activity of Hypericum revolutum Vahl.”

    REVISION (CHECK THE LATEST COMMENT) Vasodilation Activity of Hypericum revolutum Vahl.”

    Revision comments

    10/19/17 10: 00 AM
    this is a complete paper and i have the abstract, introduction and everything else. all i wanted ii the literature review??

    10 pages if literature review, and the sample i have attached is only about the literature revew

    I already did most of this part and i have attached it so that writer completed the literature review. not re-summarizing and re-writing what i have completed.
    just do the literature review as he/ she did.

    mention all the points I have asked for to be part of the literature|
    so that all the 10 pages are about the literature review
    and delete everything before and after
    for example she mentioned that the plane used to cure the disease (this is not accurate and not right, it the reason i'm conducting this study to future prove that the planet can be used to cure the diseas)

    she stated that there some sources had conducted this study (which is not )

    in my paper, i'm conducting the study to prove that the study will be (in future) may or may not cure this disease

    but the writer mentioned that there other sources stated that the palnet cured this disease

    the writer should acknowladge the topic and understand the requirment

    and make sure to provide an accurate information with accurate data and sources

    11/11/2017 4:38 am
    I want a literture review for future study that i'm conducting.

    please see all the details I have provided
    on the same topic
    Previous writer had mentioned that there are some studies exmained the plantes had cure thid disease. which is not right. this is the reason i;m conducting the study to prove this plant can be used to cure this disease
    please let me know if you need anything
    Check the propsal and thesis to understand the whole requirment
    I appreciate your help

    in order to do that he has to read the propsal and thesis and just writing the literature review
    or my paper not the canadian refrence style, it's vancuver refrence style

    11/27/2017 2:10am
    Talk About the Family of the plants review from google schooler

    Then all the reviews about the plant

    Write table of compound isolated from the plant and draw structures of compound
    12/06/2017 20:37 PM: all the required comments in a file called comments to improve

    12/23/2017 07:29 AM: Thanks for your work. but I had sent all the requirements to be improved in the paper. first, the writer didn't write the endnote, and no references were mentioned in some of the paper. I believe that every sentence should be referred to its original sources to avoid parallelism.
    additional, more details will be uploaded

    12/31/2017 10:42 AM: please use the previous work and make the required edited as requested (the comment were already provided in. word document)
    if needed I can upload the previous work (Review of literature ).

    12/31/2017 10:43 AM: please use the previous work and make the required edited as requested (the comment were already provided in. word document)
    if needed I can upload the previous work (Review of literature ).


    Paper details
    a proposal and a thesis will be attached to understand the concept of the paper to focus on, and to know the objectives and the aim of the paper. I have attached 6 sources as well to be used in the paper please. in addition to 7 more as has been requested. Please follow the sample of the paper that I uploaded. Don't forget to mention the following:- 1. the importance of these herbs in curing. 2- mentioned the group and the family of that planet/ herbs. 3. its type/faction. 4. Type of diseases to be treated, including the one mentioned in the paper.

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