Review the use of antibody in the study of cell cycle: Cell Culture & Antibody Technology Custom Paper

    The overall aim is to produce a review that highlights the diverse application/use of antibodies for your chosen topic (e.g. cell cycle, apoptosis or protein kinase signalling).

    General introduction: 300-400 word introduction which includes the aims and a brief outline of the applications of antibodies (e.g. western blotting etc.). There is no need for a detailed description of each technique just a few sentences that describe the basics of the technique.

    Introduction to cell cycle/apoptosis/protein kinases: 300-400 word overview of your particular topic e.g. a description of apoptosis/cell cycle/protein kinases that covers the basics. Maybe include a diagram.

    Antibody review: This is the main focus of assignment and should include several different examples from the literature on how antibodies can be used to study your particular topic. There is no need to include detailed accounts of methods just an explanation of the research area and how antibodies have been used.

    Structure of the assignment: Remember to include appropriate headings/sections and use of clearly labelled diagrams.Try and produce your own diagrams rather than ones lifted from the internet. Also remember to include a clear title and legend for each Figure (to include a definition of any abbreviations used). Finally many students fail to refer to their diagrams in the text.

    References: Make sureyour reference list is accurate and consistent. Also check that also references in the text appear in the final list.

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