
    As a budding researcher of retail, you have been assigned to investigate and write a
    feature article on a contemporary issue in retail for the new publication

    The retail sector has experienced significant change over the past
    few years and it is believed readers would welcome an article in this field.
    Critically evaluate one of drivers for change in the retail sector. Analyse how retailers
    have responded and how it has influenced consumer shopping patterns.
    Explore one of the following trends affecting retailing today:
    Population trends
    Economic recession
    Mobile technology

    These are broad topical areas so you are encouraged to personalise the article to a
    particular area of interest and to have a specific focus to your article. Refine your
    topic area through research and limit the scope of your article.
    For example, you might look at population trends but choose to focus on elderly
    shoppers, fluctuating birth rates, immigrant populations or the growth in single-parent
    families and so on. Or you might look at competition in retail but choose to focus on
    the impact on small retailers, store sizes, price competition or e-tailing and so on.
    Developing a focus will ensure you are able to generate meaningful discussion – the
    depth of your discussions are important.
    Choose an aspect which is newsworthy and of particular interest to you as this will
    make the process of research an interesting, productive and enjoyable one. An
    excellent article will demonstrate originality and thoroughness of research.
    Your feature article is limited to THREE sides of A4 and should include the following
    (1) Critically evaluate the drivers for change in the retail sector (30%)
    The article needs to be of academic quality.
    The article needs to be a critique, and so, you must present a balanced
    view of the issues.
    (2) Analyse how retailers have responded and how it has influenced
    consumer shopping patterns. (30%)
    Address both perspectives.
    Use examples from your research to illustrate your ideas and thinking.
    Page • 51
    (3) You will be assessed on your ability to investigate a range of source
    materials. (20%)
    Secondary research: use books, journal articles, newspapers and
    internet to discover information about your chosen area.
    A complete reference list must be attached.
    (4) You will be assessed on your ability to structure the presentation of your
    findings. (20%)
    Structure, layout and style form a key element.
    Creativity is very important. Make the feature article interesting,
    informative, attractive and professional.
    Poor English will be penalised as it indicates a lack of care in
    presenting your work.

    Assessment Guidelines
    How to write the feature article
    Present your article in a suitable format. Careful attention should be
    given to the layout, content and appearance of your article.
    There are plenty of templates available on the web for you to access,
    however, you must personalise these. Reduce margins and headers
    and footers.
    You must start with a headline. The headline shouldn’t be a summary
    of the article; instead it should serve the purpose of getting the reader’s
    attention. The heading needs to be short and concise, but above all,
    must captivate your audience (i.e. unique and interesting).
    An inviting introduction should draw the reader into the article. Use
    your introduction to set the scene and to limit the scope of the article.
    The main body of the article should follow a logical structure and
    sequence of ideas.
    The article should demonstrate a good understanding of the topic with
    relevant, up-to-date content that goes beyond the obvious or
    There must also be evidence of having read extensive relevant
    literature and this should be appropriately integrated into the article.
    Ensure all elements from the brief (see above) are addressed, paying
    careful attention to the weightings.
    A satisfying conclusion should leave the reader with a sense of
    Make good use of headings/sub-headings and titles to guide the
    Where possible use pictures, summaries, captions, quotes and
    illustrations to add interest to the article so that readers remain
    Ensure pictures, headings and captions are of an appropriate size –
    utilise the space effectively as “padding” will be penalised.
    Page • 52
    The article is limited to three sides of A4.
    The article length excludes the title page and reference list.
    The article should be in Arial 9 point font, single-spaced
    A complete reference list must be attached, which should be presented
    in Harvard format. Number each item in the list and use a numerical
    system to indicate in-text referencing. You will be given guidance on

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