Resumes Cover Letters and Job Applications

    It is estimated that hiring organizations only spend 90 seconds scanning a resume before determining whether its worth looking at further. As such the successful job applicant must make sure their resumes are designed to fit the job for which they are applying. One size fits all is no longer applicable to resumes. Bland and general also no longer apply as the information in resumes must be written using action verbs and identify accomplishments and achievements rather than simply describe previously held positions and responsibilities.There are three basic types of resumes:
    Oftentimes CVs (curriculum vitaes) may be required.Using the internet conduct research on each type of resume and a CV. For this assignment explain:
    Make sure you explain all answers in detail and avoid generalities.You are encouraged to use the Career Resources available in the virtual campus for resume creation and revision.Optimal Resume is one resource available to you that offers resume-building services and many other job search resources.
    Must be 3-5 pages plus cover page and reference page.

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