Responsibility and Ethics

    Responsibility and Ethics

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    Responsibility & Ethics Paper

    There is a point during the gothic novel Frankenstein, the creature, abandoned, disfigured, and angry with his creator, questions Victor Frankenstein about his unthinking pursuit of scientific knowledge. He wonders how Frankenstein could create a life without considering the consequences of his creation. The creature begs to know what kind of responsibility his creator will accept now that his creation refuses to be ignored.

    In the film Jurassic Park, the character of Ian Malcolm poses his statement to the park?s mastermind: ?You?ve stood upon the shoulders of giants to do what you have done. You have the knowledge, but not the respect or the wisdom that comes with the search for that knowledge. In these modern times we have become so preoccupied with the pursuit of whether we can do a thing that we rarely stop to wonder if we should.?

    The idea of man?s responsibility for what he creates is also clear in the lyrics for ?Song of Damocles? from the musical The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Rocky describes his precarious situation as the creation of the demented and controlling Dr. Frankenfurter by using the sword as a metaphor. The mythical Damocles was forced to sit at a banquet under a sword suspended by a single hair, illustrating his lack of control in a situation orchestrated by the tyrant Syracuse. The phrase, The Sword of Damocles, is used to mean impending disaster or the permanent threat of it.

    Examine the subject of responsibility and ethics as it appears it at least three different works, identifying a key ethical concept that is central to all three. Each student will create a thesis with a statement of theme and will analyze each selection in depth, comparing the use of the ethical concept in each work.

    Students must include Frankenstein, one non-fiction essay, and one more work from any of the following genres:
    ? Novel
    ? Short Story
    ? Non-fiction Essay
    ? Poem/Song
    ? Drama/Film

    Each student will produce a typed essay (4-5 pages), documented with parenthetical references and a works cited page (MLA format). The analysis is expected to be extensive, with a thorough examination of both writing mechanics and the morality expressed through each work. Each student will also put together an oral presentation (with visual aid) as part of his/her final exam for the class. The oral presentation will ask the student to make a real world connection between the ethical concept analyzed in the three works and contemporary society. A typed outline of the oral presentation must be submitted to the instructor prior to going before the class.



    The following concepts are suggested topics, but students are not limited to these selections:


    BETRAYAL: Betrayal is a word with powerfully negative connotations, but few people stop
    to think that legitimate reasons often exist for committing betrayal. When one betrays, he/she
    does so because of greater loyalty to another or greater loyalty to him/herself.

    JUSTICE: Seeking justice is seeking punishment that is equal to the wrong that has been
    committed by an individual. Unfortunately, human shortcomings, such as racism or the
    desire for revenge, inevitably have a negative effect on finding this ideal recompense.

    REVENGE: People seek revenge because of the pain they feel. Often, in his/her desire to
    punish an offender, the avenger becomes overly emotional and illogical in order to calm
    his/her pain. This uncontrolled anger results in destruction and ends up harming everyone.

    RACISM: The root cause of racism is a fear of the unknown and unfamiliar: when people
    see differences in other human beings, they fear it. Only by becoming educated about these
    differences and understanding how alike all humans are can racism be eradicated.

    SAVAGERY: Man has the capacity to behave in animalistic and savage ways, it is an innate
    quality of humans. Law, social custom and self-control are tools used to keep humanity from
    reverting back to its primitive ancestry.

    SOCIAL APATHY: Both literature and life show that the majority of people would rather sit
    Back and be complacent rather that put forth effort to correct the wrongs they see.

    AMBITION: Ambition can often cause an individual to act immorally in order to gain
    something he/she desires. The individual might even believe his/her actions are for the
    ?greater good?, only to realize the dire consequences in the aftermath.





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