Response wk 2 to Ruth

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    Respond to the answer of this question

    4. Imagine that you were a therapist who could choose to rely on the theory of Freud, Jung, or Adler. At this point in your reading, which theorist’s ideas would you choose to follow, and why?

    While I think all three have important points of view to offer to the theory of personality, for me, I think Jung offers a better fit for myself and what I choose to follow.  Freud and Adler focus too much on childhood and how most of the personality is formed during the childhood years.  Adler didn’t give enough merit to the unconscious shaping personality and Freud put too much emphasis on the sexual energy shaping the future.  Jung’s theories are most relatable to myself, with a balance between the conscious and unconscious, and being able to be an active participant in our present and future persona.  We are never stuck as long as we continue to be open to learning through conscious growth and inner reflection.

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