response to classmate

    Topic: response to classmate

    Order Description

    Write a well-organized essay with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. You MUST
    incorporate quotes into your essay, but do not let the quotes dominate over your own ideas. When you
    quote anything, make sure you properly cite it—using MLA (which you may have to look up).
    This is an open book test, so you may use notes, Blackboard, web resources, etc. Please complete your
    essay in Word and email it to me as an attachment.
    Essay Question:
    Think about and review the literary elements I asked you to read about during week 1: plot, narration
    and point of view, character, setting, symbol, figurative language, and theme. Choose only ONE of those
    literary elements you read about in the text and explain how it is expressed in ONE of the stories we
    read. Please note this is the entire exam. You need to make sure you write enough to make your point
    and show how the author uses the element you choose effectively within the story. There should be
    several examples. You should use correct spelling, grammar and mechanics. I will grade on those and

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