Responding Effectively to Disruptive Student Behavior, Part 2

    Responding Effectively to Disruptive Student Behavior, Part 2
    This week’s Learning Resources describe models for a problem-solving approach to behavior management. In the problem-solving approach, the teacher collaborates with a student who is demonstrating inappropriate behaviors to identify reasons behind the behaviors and to develop a plan for improvement. Revisit the models described in the Required Reading. Select one of the models for use in your classroom. Analyze the model to determine how you might modify it to increase its effectiveness with your students.
    Using the document* you created in Week 5, complete the following:
    1. Describe the steps in the problem-solving process you will use with your students.
    2. Identify the outcomes you expect to see as a result of the implementation of the model
    3. Explain how these steps will help your students learn to make responsible choices about their behavior.
    4. Reflect on the choices you made in Parts One and Two for how you will respond to student misbehavior. Evaluate and discuss the potential impact of your new plans on your students’ ability to make responsible choices in your classroom learning environment.
    Responding Effectively to Disruptive Student Behavior (MS Word document)
    * This graphic organizer has been provided for you as a sample, but you are not required to follow this format. Be sure, however, that the organizer you use includes all required components for this assignment.

    What I really need done for this assignment is for the writer to fill in the “Responding Effectively to Disruptive Student Behavior, Part 2” Document, where it is asking for “Problem-Solving Steps, Desired Outcomes, and How will this strategy help my students to learn to make responsible choices about their their behavior”. The writer only needs to write a 2 or 3 paragraphs for a reflection as well as filling in the document. Please tell the writer to use the WK 6 App.doc to guide them. Thank you very much.

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